Training to Strengthen Health Clubs

training to strengthen health clubs

These were held at all eight locations from 01 March to 08 March 2019. Health Clubs were formed in the past to create awareness about health issues among the mother of child labourers. Adolescent girls and mothers of child labourers come together with auxiliary nurse midwife (ANM) and Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA) workers to talk on the health issues. 

Points of discussion during training included: Addressing health problem of women and adolescents, taking preventive and curative measures for healthy life, points of discussion during monthly meetings, frequent check-ups, different kinds of normal and serious illness among women and adolescents and health hazard in glass and bangle industry.

In was observed that participants comparatively became more aware and informed about health issues of women and adolescents. They became aware of different kinds of services and benefits at aganwadi centres and government hospitals through ASHA, ANM.

The participants become clearer about discussion agenda during monthly meeting of Health Club and how to strengthen their respective health club. Participants were also convinced for sending mothers and adolescents during health check camp as well as need of regular check-up of pregnant women at government hospitals.