Training for Children Parliament Leaders

training for children parliament strengthening

The organization conducted two days training for the leaders of children’s parliament on February 12 and 13, 2019, at Vikas Ashram. In all 41 leaders from all six locations (Azadnagar, Shyamnagar, Ramnagar, Mehtabnagar, Vijaynagar and Charbagh) participated.  

The objectives of the training were: To educate about expected roles and responsibilities as leaders of children’s parliament; to educate leaders about need and importance of education and child rights; to inform and educate about gender equity and how to reduce incidence of gender discrimination; and role of children parliament towards elimination of child labour and ensuring education of all freed child labour.

During the training deliberations were held to make children’s parliament more functional so it can play its role in elimination of child labour. Discussion was held on ensuring effective discharging of expected roles and responsibilities of leaders of children parliament. Open discussion was held about need and importance of education and child rights of the children in the age group of 6 to 14 years. Each children parliament leader was entrusted to mainstream two freed child labourers.

At the end of the training children’s parliament leaders developed clarity about importance of education, child rights and gender equity. They resolved that each of them would work to ensure that each mainstreamed two freed child labourers. They also resolved to approach parents of child labourers to put an end to the menace of child labour and build pressure on them for sending their children to school.