Joined NFE Centre and Became Self-confident
Anjali is 17 years old. Her father’s name is Daulat Ram and her mother’s name is Mamta Devi. They migrated from village of Agra district in search of livelihood. Anjali’s mother died when she was 13 years old. Due to poor economic condition, Anjali was not able to study. Anjali has three sisters. Anjali condition worsened after arrival of second mother in house. Anjali’s second mother also has two daughters and one son.
Her father works in bangle industry in a godown. Anjali’s mother does not properly behave with Anjali and her sister. Entire bangle work was being done by Anjali only as her second mother remained engaged in child rearing. Anjali also did household works. She became anaemic due to multiple works and was exploited by her second mother. Second mother of Anjali did not want to keep her in same house.
Finally Anjali started living with her real sister in separate house with her old grandparents. Anjali manage livelihood by doing bangle work. She used to work for 13-14 hours in a day. Her two sisters also supported her in bangle work. She managed the need of the house in very difficult condition. They hardly eat vegetables in food. Anjali and her sister did not have proper clothes also.
In these circumstances, Vikas Sansthan workers approached Anjali during their survey work. Anjali gave proper answers them despite her shy nature and illiteracy. Vikas Sansthan workers explained her about free education in non-formal education centre at Azadnagar. She was not convinced. Ever her grandmother did not allow her to study.
Somehow Anjali become ready for joining NFE centre, but she did not have money to purchase books and stationery. In this condition, Vikas Sansthan provided books and stationery. After receiving books and stationery, Anjali become happy and started giving attention to studies also. Now, she has become bold and started living properly. She wants to grow in her life.